(i) Email contact@toshspace.co.uk to check the dates required are available.
(ii) A booking form must be completed for each period of use, and sent to the address / email indicated.
(iii) If a completed booking form is not received within 14 days of a provisional or telephoned reservation, we will reserve the right to cancel and re-book the accommodation/facilities.
(i) An invoice for the total amount will be issued at the end of the month in which the date of the event occurs, except in the instance of online bookings which are payable in advance.
(ii) For bookings invoiced and not paid online, any balance will be due by 30 days from the date of the invoice
(iii) Any loss or damage to the accommodation/facilities occurring during the period of hire must be reimbursed to Recreate Dorset
A minimum of 7 days notice for cancellation of any event is required. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in cancellation charges. In the event that a confirmed booking is cancelled, the following charges will be applied:
Less than 7 days: 50% of room hire
24 hours or less: 100% of room hire
Summary of Terms and Conditions
The hire agreement is made up of the booking email and the terms & conditions of hire, which will be provided in full upon booking confirmation unless requested sooner.
- Please respect your booking times by arriving and leaving within the 30-minute permitted grace period offered for set up and kit down.
- You are required to keep a register of your attendees in case of emergencies and evacuation of the building in the event of a fire.
- Use the facilities responsibly. If damage or extra cleaning costs are incurred, you will have to pay for these.
- Please keep noise to a respectful level. If music etc. is clearly audible in the car park, it is likely disturbing our neighbours.
- No selling of alcohol is permitted. You may serve it to your guests, but you are not able to charge for it.
- TOSH cannot accept hire for religious or political uses.
- There is a strict no smoking / vaping policy within the building and garden at all times. Smoking / vaping is permitted in the car park only.
- Please keep external doors closed during your booking for security. Note other space users may also use these doors.
- On finishing your event, please clean and tidy up (wipe surfaces, put crockery away, wash up / load crockery into the dishwasher etc.) in the kitchen when used.
- Leave all chairs and tables stacked and stored (Assembly Hall) in a safe and tidy condition. Position tables and chairs back in their original position and leave the space as you found it in The Atrium.
- Please check that all taps and lights are turned off and windows are closed before leaving.
- Please ensure that all rubbish is put into the kitchen bins or taken out into our bins at the back of the building.
- Users must ensure that the building is not left open and unoccupied. This applies to all users at all times unless the next user has arrived. If in doubt, lock all external and internal doors and windows when you leave, referring to the TOSH remote hire guide.
- Any equipment and belongings brought into the building are at the owner’s risk and are not covered by the hirer’s insurance.
- Please ensure you have appropriate public liability insurance for activities undertaken
Please read the TOSH Safety Notices in the entrance including the fire and evacuation procedure
If there is a fire, the smoke detection system will give a high-pitched sound and if you are the only user in the building you will need to ring the emergency services on 999; follow the fire and evacuation procedure, ensure the safety of your guests and then inform a TOSH team member.If there is an accident or emergency, please contact the emergency services on 999 as necessary and then inform a TOSH team member.If you have a problem in the building that you cannot resolve e.g. water burst; boiler breakdown, smoke detection system malfunction/reset etc., please contact a TOSH team member.