
TOSH Community Garden: Celebrating the Opening of The Orchard Garden

Read all about how we celebrated this huge milestone with our diverse community at TOSH!

On Sunday, July 21st, we celebrated a huge milestone here at TOSH, with the official opening of The Orchard Garden! This space, transformed over two years, is now a sanctuary for our community, thanks to funding from the People’s Health Trust through Health Lottery South West.

Our vision for The Orchard Garden, created with the help of a Landscape Architect, centred on the theme "Food for Us, Food for Nature." Throughout 2023 and 2024, the garden hosted monthly workshops and creative nature-themed activities, fostering learning and connection within our community.

The transformation was a collaborative effort. The men's Seeking Refuge group built garden paths and a sunken seating area, while the international women of the Threads group crafted cushion covers and bunting. Community group members designed handmade terracotta tiles, now embedded in the seating area, as a lasting personal touch.

To celebrate the garden's completion, we opened our gates to the public for the first time, alongside our volunteers, workshop attendees, and community group members who have been part of this journey. It was heartwarming to see the community explore the garden, discovering wildflowers and fruit trees, searching for their handcrafted tiles, and relaxing on the garden bench made by trainees at Faithworks.

Alongside their garden explorations, attendees enjoyed drop in garden crafts. Many sat peacefully with Carmel (Cathartic Brush), handcrafting bead and wire dragonflies, whilst others carved terracotta tiles with Maisie (The Touring Potter), also to be embedded in the garden.

We also celebrated with a global tapestry of cakes and sweet treats, kindly contributed by our diverse community. Watching over 100 attendees share food and connect in the garden was a joyful experience, embodying our vision for the space.

But what does the future of The Orchard Garden look like?! We will be offering the garden as a hireable space - think workshops, community gatherings, kids’ parties, wellbeing sessions, celebrations, and perhaps even performances! Stay tuned for further details…

Got something in mind? Feel free to reach out with garden hire enquiries at

Fabulous photography by Caroline Beale Johnson.